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Travelling with your new Baby in Winter | Cushii

Travelling with your new Baby in Winter | Cushii

The Ultimate Guide: Travelling with your new baby in winter

Winter is a magical time to travel, especially with a new addition to the family.

However, travelling with your new baby in winter can feel somewhat daunting, especially if you're not across the right equipment and preparations to make everything so much easier.

In this ultimate winter travel guide, we share valuable tips, tricks and accessories to make a winter trip with your new bub more enjoyable and less stressful.

Dressing for Success

Winter travel comes with its unique charm. The chilly breeze, and even snow if you’re heading to the alpine regions of Australia. But colder weather comes with its own challenges for your bub. That's why layering will be your best friend for your baby winter travels.

Why is layering important in winter?

Layering is more than just adding more clothes. It's about helping your bub regulate their body temperature so the warmth stays in, and the cold stays out. Layering helps you deal with fluctuating temperatures as you move between indoor and outdoor areas.
How many layers are too many?

You usually dress your baby in one more layer than you’d wear yourself. If you feel comfortable in a jumper and jacket, simply add an extra singlet or onesie underneath for your bub. Checking your little one’s temperature on a regular basis means you can add or remove a layer as needed.

The winter travel wardrobe must-haves

The perfect winter wardrobe for your bub is as much about the right accessories as it is about warm clothes. Babies tend to lose body heat through their heady, hands and feet, so it’s important to keep them nice and snug.

We recommend taking a number of woolen or fleece hats, mittens and shoes or padded socks (even if your little one isn’t walking yet).


Feeding on the go

When moving from A to B, bub’s feeding routine doesn’t change. That’s why travelling during winter months adds extra complexities. But with the right strategies and equipment you’ll master snacking, feeding and refuelling the body on the go in no time.

The Challenge: Keeping food and milk at the right temperature

Whether it's breast milk, formula, or purees, keeping them at just the right temperature is super important. Food and formula that’s too cold can upset your little one’s tummy, but food that’s too hot can become a hazard. It’s all about finding the sweet spot. But how?
  • Portable Bottle Warmers
These battery-operated wonders can heat up your baby's milk or formula to just the right temperature, no matter where you’re headed. They are compact and can easily fit into your nappy bag or travel bag.
  • Insulated Bottles and Food Containers
Double-walled, insulated bottles help keep liquids warm for longer. If you're anticipating to be on the road or exploring for longer periods, pre-warming milk or formula and storing it in these clever bottles can be a lifesaver. If you’re travelling with an older bub, insulated food containers can keep your purees and at the perfect temperature for when hunger strikes.

Making Feeding Time Cozy with the Cushii Lounger

Beyond the temperature of the food, the comfort of your baby while feeding is just as important. With its soft and ergonomic design, the Cushii Lounger is the ideal comfy-cozy winter travel feeding companion.

Travelling by car

Car travel with your bub from A to B can challenge the best of us. But with a few tips and tricks even the longest car trip can be totally manageable for you and your bub.

Take your time and enjoy the journey
Allow plenty of time for rest stops, nappy changes, and feeding breaks. Plan your itinerary so you have time to explore the sights and sounds of your destination without feeling rushed.

Take warm blankets
They can be lifesavers if you're ever stranded or want extra warmth for your bub.

Take a change of clothes
Little accidents are inevitable, so make sure you have a warm spare set of clothes on hand including hats, mittens, and socks.

Plenty of snacks and water
These are primarily for the grown-ups to see you through from A to Bs

Stock your first-aid kit
It’s important to have it stocked and ready to go with basic supplies and any medication your baby might need if they fall ill during the trip.

Take a car phone charger
Let’s hope you never break down while on winter vacation, but you want to have your phone ready to go and charged at all times just in case.

Your list of emergency contacts
That includes your immediate family members as well as any relevant doctors nearby


Staying away from home with baby

Unfamiliar surroundings can be unsettling for your new bub. That’s why turning your accommodation into a comfy haven that reminds of home is super important for a comfortable and peaceful stay. Let’s explore some handy tricks to help you do just that.

Consider sticking to your routine

For babies, the predictability of knowing when it's time to eat, play, or sleep can provide a sense of security and comfort among the shifting environment. Maintaining regular nap and bedtime schedules means your bub gets the rest they need and makes next day’s excursions much more enjoyable for everyone.

How the Cushii Lounger can help you transition from home to hotel

TheCushii Lounger is an element of comfort and serves as an element of consistency while travelling. Bringing along a touch of home can provide an immediate sense of comfort to your baby, reminding them of their regular resting spot.

Whether you're in your hotel room, a lobby, or even a nearby park, the  Cushii Lounger offers a consistent and cozy spot for your baby to rest, play, or feed. Lightweight and easy to pack, the Cushii Lounger should be on your must-take list.

Baby-proofing your accommodation

Whether you opt for a hotel or an AirBnB, the accommodation isn’t necessarily baby-proofed. Here are some tips to make sure you make it safe for your tiny explorer.
  • Get down to your baby’s eye level
Keep an eye out for possible hazards like sharp edges, power points, or small items they could potentially swallow. Also make sure that TVs, lamps and other furniture that could fall over is out of reach.
  • Secure Windows and Balconies
Make sure any windows and balcony doors are locked and can't be easily opened by curious little hands.

Winter travel health

Winter unfortunately comes with more possible health concerns, especially for small humans. But with these tips, you can lay the foundations to keep your baby healthy and happy during your winter travels.

Protecting baby's skin from the cold

Baby skin is more susceptible to the harshness of cold, dry winter air than our skin. The cold can strip away the skin's natural moisture, leading to dryness and sometimes even painful chapping or cracks. Applying a gentle, baby-friendly moisturizer can build a protective barrier against the elements. And regularly applying a mild lip balm can prevent your bub’s lips from becoming chapped.

See your GP before heading off

This gives you an opportunity to discuss any travel-related concerns and can bring your bub’s vaccinations up-to-date, especially if you’re travelling to a location with specific health warnings.

Carry essential baby-friendly medications

This can be invaluable if your baby feels unwell and you're in an unfamiliar place.


Pack the ultimate travel companion

Among the chaos of packing and planning, one item stands out as an essential for every family trip with a new bub: The Cushii Lounger. Let's explore why it is the go-to winter travel companion for modern parents.

Ergonomic Design
The Cushii Lounger is meticulously designed to cradle your baby with support for their head, neck, and back. Whether you're in a cozy cottage or a buzzing airport, your baby has a familiar and comfortable spot to relax.

Lightweight & Portable
Winter travel often involves a ton of extra luggage and gear. The Cushii Lounger’s lightweight design means you’re not hit with any unnecessary weight.

Adaptable Use
From a comfy resting spot in your hotel room to a convenient changing station in transit, the Cushii Lounger's versatility convinces even the most anxious of travellers, especially during winter travel.


Looking for the ultimate travel companion? 
Explore Our Cushii® Lounger range:

Best thing ever! I absolutely love this and would highly recommend!!!

- Chloe K
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"One of the best purchases we’ve made ~ Absolutely love this lounger"

- Beth M
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"Fave newborn purchase!"

- Emma S
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